Tire Failure Analysis

Shoulder empty


Cause Analysis:

(1) The tire parts have poor viscosity, resulting in detachment; 

(2) The steel cord is not tightly covered with glue, peeling off the skin and detaching; 

(3) The positioning of the semi-finished product does not meet the standards, causing excessive local stress; 

(4) The joints of the parts are not pressed 

(5) The tire is hit by external force or punctured by sharp objects.

Empty Ring/Cracked Ring


Cause Analysis:

(1) The carcass and the splint wrapping cloth are wrapped sideways; 

(2) The semi-finished components are contaminated; 

(3) The component joints are cracked;

(4) The pressure of the side pressure roller is too small; (5) The tire is scratched by external force or the vehicle is overloaded.

Tread empty/Tread empty explotion


Cause Analysis:

(1) There is contamination between the belt layers or the bottom rubber of the tread;

(2) The bottom rubber of the tread groove is thin;

(3) The tire is hit by external force or punctured by sharp objects.

Groove cracks


Cause Analysis:

(1) The material at the bottom of the tread groove is thin; 

(2) The low heat-generating base rubber of the tread is too thick;

(3) The tire rubs against stones and generates heat, causing the rubber material to age and crack; 

(4) The tread groove is stabbed by external force.

Internal leaking of wire


Cause Analysis:

(1) The thickness of the inner lining layer is thin; 

(2) The sidewall, tread, and shoulder pads are small in size or inappropriate in shape.

(3) The plane width of the molding machine is small or the bead clamping claws are not on the same level; 

(4) The vulcanization setting pressure is too high.

Sidewall delamination


Cause Analysis:

(1) Semi-finished parts are contaminated; 

(2) The carcass steel cord is not fully glued;

(3) When twin tires are installed side by side, the air pressure is low, causing the sidewalls to become hollow due to mutual friction; 

(4) External impact or sharp object puncture.

Sidewall bulge


Cause Analysis:

(1) "Regular unevenness" caused by mechanical equipment; 

(2) Large sidewall joints, causing real bulge in the tire;

(3) Cord delamination or uneven arrangement of cords.

Tread joint detached


Cause Analysis:

(1) The tread joint part is not compacted and the strength is not enough; 

(2) The tread cutting surface is not clean and contains impurities;

(3) Parts bloom and their viscosity decreases.